Monday, 13 January 2014


Hey, I know this is late what with it being almost two weeks(?!) since New Year and all, but I thought I would share my goals/resolutions with you. Every year, I try to make resolutions and it normally results in me saying to myself "I'm going to loose weight! This year, I promise that I will make it happen!" then two days later I'm buying the large cadbury caramel bars to eat all to myself, disgusting...  However this year is different; a lot has changed in the last 12 months and I am not the person I used to be. 

So 2013, what a year... It was a whirlwind year to say the least. I sat - and basically failed (not technically, but I failed myself) - my first ever A-level exams. I figured out what I want to do with the rest of my life; it's to teach psychology for those of you who don't know. I fell totally, head over heels in love with a boy named Joseph. Something life changing happened.. I got pregnant. Me, the girl who hated children and said she would never have any, was pregnant aged 17. Fast forward 9 months, Charlie was born! I resat my AS exams and got an A in the subject I love - psychology. I moved in to Joe's house to live with him and his family. I chose different subject meaning I no longer study that god awful physics, yay! I turned 18. Me, Joe and Charlie spent our first Christmas as a family. I'm rambling, basically, a LOT happened. Anyway, onto the things I want to make happen! :

1. Be the best mum I can be.
 As I know have a baby, I can no longer be the selfish person I once was. As an only child, it's always been about me and I have become extremely selfish, often thinking of only my needs. Its an awful trait but one I unfortunately posses. This can't happen anymore. I need to try my hardest to put the needs of everyone else first. This little boy as he means everything to me and I need to try my hardest in my education, not only for me, but for him. I want to go somewhere in life and if it means staying somewhere that I don't particularly like then so be it. 

2. Be more organised. 
I'm one of the most unorganized and forgetful people that you could ever come across. Seriously, I'm terrible for it! My mum told me to do something - that was even in my interests to do - and it took my about 9 weeks! NINE WEEKS! That's how bad its become. Well, I'm now a girl with a plan. With my new found interest in being organised/not forgetful and my love of all things pretty, I bought myself a diary. Not your average, standard, black one, but a beautiful, grey flowery one from Paperchase. I even bought myself a brand new pen to go with it! Since then, all my appointments/college times/people to ring (that is one of the things I forget the most) have been written in there. 

3. Continue to feed my ever growing makeup collection. 
For a long time, I've loved makeup and was always envious of those with it applied flawlessly. I could never do this.. No matter how hard I tried, it has never seemed to go right. Over the years I have probably owned about 50 foundations - all costing about £3.00. All of them terrible but I would continue as I didn't want to spend more than £5.00 on a product. Well, not anymore. I need to stop being so tight and realize that if I want something, I need to spend my money. Don't get me wrong, I love a bargain, but what I don't love is being to tight to spend £4.00 on a mascara. Now my make up collection is growing, I want to add to this with more products I hope to fall in love with. Part of this goal/resolution is to find my perfect lipstick! No matter what colour, brand, or formula I try, it's never right. So this year, I hope to find the perfect one! Anyway, I'm babbling now (can you tell I do that a lot?) but I'm basically saying, my makeup box needs to expand..

4. Use my gym membership.
 Last year, I rejoined the gym after about 2 years(?) of not going. I was pretty nervous at first but then I began to like it. I stopped a bit over Christmas but I must say, I've missed it. What?! I just find it relaxing and extremely satisfying. As well as this, I would also like to start going jogging with Joe again as I miss it - we used to do it at like 6:00am in the beginning of our relationship.  I also plan on joining both the yoga and Pilates class at my gym as I feel they will help improve my strength, flexibility and balance, all of which right now are terrible.

5. Work hard in college.
 I mentioned this slightly earlier in number 1, however I wanted it to be a separate goal/resolution. Last year, I did't do to well. I didn't revise at all and ended up with two E's and a D after my January exams, when it should have really been two B's and an A. I just didn't care, Joe would say "have you done your homework? Have you done your revision?" and I would just lie and say yes when I really shouldn't have. When resitting, I tried my hardest. Even though I only changed my previous E's to another E and a D, my new psychology grade was an A. I was so proud of myself and it made all of that revision worth it. This year, I hope to have that same proud feeling, only after the first exams, not the resits. 

6. Be healthier!
 I guess this is a bit predictable but I wanted to include it anyway. I always feel so unhealthy and disgusting within myself so I hope to this resolution/goal along with number 4. will help to change that. I know I say this every year but at the moment, I am ridiculously unhappy within myself and I want that to change.

7. Grow my hair!
My final resolution/goal is to change my hair. When I was younger, my hair was cut from around my hips into a bob. Worst mistake ever.. Since then, it has barely grew past the top of my boobs. This may seem like an alright length but I'm quite tall (I'm 5ft 7") and I really don't suit shorter hair - maybe because of my oddly shaped jaw line? - so right now, my hair looks terrible. I'm also hoping that with longer hair I can embrace my naturally curly hair. Maybe even leave the GHD's aside for a while? Lol, I can't ever imagine that happening. Anyway, I just want to stop cutting my hair, start trying out new ways of wearing it and maybe - just maybe - stop straightening my hair so much.

I know this is long so thank you very much if you've gotten this fair. This is only my second post but it's also the second without any photos. Don't panic, I can take photos, I just thought I'd better get this up now as it's extremely late but I still wanted to share it.

Do you have any resoloutions? I would love to hear them all :)

Megan xx

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